
Frequently Asked Questions about IrfanView

Section 1. Download, installation, system settings

Section 2. Picture editing and display

Section 3. Working with formats, file conversions, batch mode, browsing

Section 4. Advanced options and features

Section 5. Features for Administrators

Section 6. Miscellaneous



  • Q: Is there a direct download link for IrfanView and Plugins?
    A: Yes, the links are available since years on my website.
        For IrfanView: see the IrfanView website: Other Download Sites and Scroll the the end of page (Alternative links) or click here.
        For Plugins: see the Plugins page, Alternative link.
    Some important infos:
        1) Please take care when downloading IrfanView from software sites which are not listed on the Downloads page.
        2) Some sites use custom/unknown downloaders which can contain malware or ask you to pay for a (free!) download.
        3) The original filenames and SHA-checksums of IrfanView and Plugins installer are visible on the Downloads page
  • Q: How to  properly install IrfanView or Plugins?
    A: On a normal system, the installer will ask (at start) for ADMIN permissions. You should allow that if you want to install in the standard folder like "Program Files" and write basic program infos in system registry. If your system doesn't ask for admin permissions, you should force admin start: right mouse button click on the EXE installer, a menu shows, choose "Run as administrator" and verify.
    Advanced users can take the ZIP version and unzip into a folder with write permissions (or redirect the INI file).
  • Q: How to Upgrade IrfanView: Is it necessary to uninstall the older version before installing the newer version?
    A: No. Install a new version over any older version. After install, just refresh your associations/options under "Properties->Extensions" (start IrfanView with admin permissions).
  • Q: Do I need IrfanView PlugIns?
    A: Probably not. All basic options/features/PlugIns are included in the standard IrfanView installation. PlugIns contains usually special file formats. If you need a special PlugIn, IrfanView will show you an error message and then you can/should install all other PlugIns. 
  • Q: How can I set IrfanView as my default viewer?
    A: Start IrfanView, go to 'Properties->Extensions' and associate your types.
    NOTE: in newer Windows versions, you must start IrfanView in ADMIN mode to change file associations. Use right mouse click on IrfanView, use the "Run as admin" menu and verify. If still not working, use the System Settings (or Control Panel): Apps => Default Apps => Photo Viewer (Set IrfanView as default program). 
  • Q: Problem: I can't set IrfanView as my default viewer on Windows 11?
    A: There seems to be a system problem in some Win11 installations, caused by the "Microsoft Photos" app.
    Try this: start System Settings, "Apps", "Apps and Features": find "Microsoft Photos". Click on the menu on the far right (3 dots), chose "Advanced options", go to the Reset section and perform both the Repair and the Reset (sometimes you need to start "Microsoft Photos" after this and close it). Now you can associate JPG etc. with IrfanView in "Apps -> Default Apps". 
    Alternative (sometimes): Uninstall and re-install IrfanView (with admin rights, don't set any associations in the installer). 
  • Q: Generic problem with video files: If I try to play some videos (AVI, MP4, MOV etc.): the video is not playing, or I get the error message "Video not available, cannot find decompressor"!
    A: IrfanView is NOT playing a video, it just starts the installed codecs.
         Means: the correct video codec is not installed or too old, please check this site for the right/newer codec (see in menu Image->Information for the codec name):
         Codec-Guide (install K-Lite Codec Pack, recommended)
         All Codecs and Decompressors - Video Codec Definitions
    A good codec pack is the K-Lite Codec Pack, it contains the most popular video/audio codecs. 
  • Q: Installation problem: The program did not install properly or installation error is shown.
    A: This is usually a permission problem; the user is a kind of a Pseudo-Administrator and it can't write files in the "Program Files" folder or system registry.
        Solution: run the installer as REAL administrator: right mouse click on the installer, a menu shows up. Click on "Run as administrator" and allow it.
  • Q: How can I play QuickTime MOV (or any other video) files with IrfanView?
    A: Install video codecs for MOV etc. format (like K-Lite Codec Pack), IrfanView will just start the video codec. 
  • Q: How can I change the icon for IrfanView associations?
    A: Go to "Properties->Extensions" (start IrfanView with "Run as admin") and choose the Icons button. Here you can set other icon(s) for associated file types. 
  • Q: How can I change the desktop icon for IrfanView?
    A: This is a standard Windows feature. Right click on the desktop icon, then 'Properties'. Now you can set another icon (change icon) or remove/change the hotkey for the program start. 
  • Q: How can I copy my IrfanView settings to another PC?
    A: IrfanView saves all settings into the INI file, see the path/filename in: Properties->Start/Exit tab. Copy the INI file to another PC => on same location (see first the Properties tab in the other IrfanView, maybe is the path slightly different) and all settings are there. If changing 32 and 64-bit versions: also rename the new INI file; IrfanView 32-bit INI filename must be "i_view32.ini", IrfanView 64-bit uses "i_view64.ini".
  • Q: Can I add more PlugIns to the App version (from Microsoft Store)?
    A: No. The App folder is protected by the system and it is not permited by add or change files there. 
  • Q: Why Windows File Explorer shows IrfanView (or some standard) icon for images instead of thumbnail?
    A: This is not related to IrfanView, this is an option in Windows File Explorer. See the options there: activate the View tab, click the dropdown arrow in Options and click "Change folder and Search options", uncheck the option "Always show icons, never thumbnails". 
  • Q: Problem: IrfanView won't save settings or there is a warning about read-only INI file. Why?
    A: There are 2 possibilities, first: your INI (i_view32.ini/i_view64.ini) file (or whole IrfanView folder) is set to read-only, please change that (reinstall IrfanView, put the INI file into the App-Data folder); second: some "smart" washer/restore tools/plugins are washing too much, please exclude IrfanView files/folder from such actions. You can also redirect the INI file to another folder (see another question below); also possible during the installation. 
  • Q: Problem: The Add button in the slideshow/batch dialog won't add the (single) selected file to the file list.
    A: There is a Windows Explorer "feature": Hide file extensions for known file types. Please deactivate this default (and useless) Explorer option to show files with their real names and extensions!
    Alternative for single files: you can use Drag&drop to add a single file to the input list. 
  • Q: I downloaded IrfanView (or PlugIns) but when I start it, I get the message "This is not a valid (Win32) application"? 
    A: This message is shown for damaged/incomplete EXE files, probably a download error. Download again, try another mirror or location. 
  • Q: Is there a portable IrfanView version (for USB sticks, CDs etc.)?
    A: Yes, EVERY IrfanView version is portable. You can:
        1. Copy your existing/installed IrfanView folder to USB stick (recommended), or
        2. Use the normal installer and install IrfanView to an USB stick folder, or
        3. Use the ZIP version and unzip to a USB stick folder.
        (Note: the ZIP version of IrfanView is always available on the website link Other download sites at the bottom of the page). 
  • Q: If I start IrfanView, I am prompted each time to start as Administrator, why?
    A: Somebody, not IrfanView, set the program properties to "Run as administrator". Disable this option (right click on IrfanView icon/EXE, Properties, tab: Compatibility) and run IrfanView normally. Actually, no option should be selected in the Compatibility tab for IrfanView. 
  • Q: Is IrfanView (32 bit) compatible with Windows11/Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/Vista 64 bit?
    A: YES, like probably 95% of all 32 bit programs. 

  • Q: Problem: Since yesterday, IrfanView shows all my images black/white (grayscale)! Why?
    A: The load option for JPGs "Load as grayscale" in 'Properties->JPG/PCD/GIF' is activated, please uncheck!
        Note: in the Save dialog, see JPG format save options. The option "Save as grayscale" must not be active. 
  • Q: Why are some edit menus or the red eye menu greyed out?
    A: Many edit options or red eye reduction works on selections only. Create first a selection (outline rectangle) in the image using the left mouse button. 
  • Q: Why is the first folder file loading slow (image display is fast, status/tool-bar update is slow)?
    A: Probably because you: have a lot of files in the folder and/or the sort option "By EXIF date" is ON.
         This sort option needs to read the file header of all list files and this can be slow. Use another sort options in menu: "Options->Sort file list".
  • Q: How can I highlight an area or draw lines/arrows/rectangles/circles in the image?
    A: Open an image a select the desired area (e.g. using the left mouse button). Now you can call some effects, they will be applied on the selected rectangle only. Like: Image->Effects->Sepia, Image->Negative or other effects.
          You can use the Paint PlugIn (Edit menu or F12) to draw arrows/lines/rectangles/circles in the image. 
  • Q: How can I pan/scroll an image using mouse (right mouse button)?
    A: You can scroll an image only if there are visible scrollbars. The right mouse button can be used for panning (if not set otherwise in "Properties->Viewing"): press and drag/move the right mouse button to pan. 
  • Q: Why I can't scroll a large, zoomed (larger than screen) image in fullscreen mode using arrow/page keys?
    A: Either is the image not really larger than screen or the option Properties->Browsing/Editing->Jump to next image ... active, please uncheck. 
  • Q: Problem: Since yesterday, IrfanView shows all images distorted/stretched! Why?
  • Q: Problem: When I resize/resample an image, the image size doesn't change. Why?
    A: The View menu option like "Fit images to desktop" is activated (or a similar view option), please uncheck and try another display option, e.g. 1:1 to see the original size. 
  • Q: Problem: Some PNG etc. images show all black/dark/invisible, why?
    A: This is probably a special combination of options: the image is transparent, it has only black/dark drawings, the window color is black (default) and transparency option is enabled. The easiest solution is to change the window color to something else or disable the transparency option and reload the file => see in "Properties->Viewing". 
  • Q: Problem: If I decrease the color depth to 8 or less BPP, the saved JPG file is always 24 BPP?
    A: Please note that a JPG can be only saved as 24 BPP or 8 BPP grayscale image. JPG do not allow other BPP values. If you want other BPP values, please use formats like PNG, TIF, BMP, etc. 
  • Q: Problem: If I rotate a JPG image and save it again as JPG, the saved image has wrong rotation/orientation. Why?
    A: Because of mixed EXIF rotation/orientation options. There is the auto-rotate option in "Properties->JPG" and there is the option to reset-EXIF-orienattion in the dialog with "JPG save options". Both options are ON by default. The option to reset EXIF-orientation should be ON if you rotate (even auto-rotate) and save the image as JPG (and keep EXIF data). 
  • Q: How can I create selection with exact size or ratio?
    A: See in menu: Edit->Create custom selection (or other selection menus). 
  • Q: How to prevent large images display from covering the screen, why is the IrfanView window moving to top-left position on the screen?
    A: Some display options need the maximal screen size, like "Fit 'something' to desktop". Try the display option (Menu: View->Display options) to "Fit images to window". Then you move and resize the window as you wish (using left mouse button). The window will keep the size/position (if enabled in: Properties->Viewing).
  • Q: How to print only a part of an image?
    A: Use left mouse button to select the desired part in the image, then use the Print menu.
  • Q: How to print many files (batch print)?
    A: In the Thumbnails window, you can select many images/files and use the menu "Print selected files as single images". 
  • Q: How to print many images on one page?
    A: In the Thumbnails window, use the menu "Create contact sheet from selected thumbs". The result image(s) can be printed or saved. 
  • Q: How can I add a Speech bubble/balloon to an image?
    A: Method 1: open an image and see in menu: "Image->Effects->Insert Speech Bubbles".
         Method 2: find some nice/empty bubble/balloon images, e.g. on sites like: or similar websites (search on Google for "Speech bubble balloon"). You will get best results if you have such balloon images saved as transparent PNGs. Now you can add the balloon image to your normal image using the menu: Edit->Insert overlay/watermark image. Later you can select the inside of the balloon/text area and insert text into the balloon. 
  • Q: How can I prepare my photos (format 4:3 etc.) to be correct (no cropping or white edges) when using a Photo printing service?
    A: Most photo printing services use formats 3:2 or 2:3 (10x15 cm or 4x6 inches) for photos.
    If your images (e.g. from a compact digital camera) are 4:3 or 3:4 (see in "Image->Info" menu in IrfanView, Original size ratio), you should better crop the desired image area in format 3:2 or 2:3 and print the cropped image. The steps:
        1. Open the image in IrfanView (see "Image->Info", see if the original size is not already 3:2 or 2:3).
        2. Go to menu: "Edit->Create maximized selection". For landscape images use 3:2, for portrait images use 2:3.
        3. See the selection rectangle. If you want to move it, use either mouse (right mouse button click inside of the selection) or arrow keys on keyboard.
        4. When the selection is OK, use either menu: "File->Selection as" (same as: "Edit->Crop" and then "File->Save-As") or better: "Options->JPG Lossless Crop", to save the selected image.
        5. Use the new file for printing services. 
  • Q: Problem: IrfanView fullscreen mode shows wrong image parts on Windows 10. Why?
    A: Your screen DPI value is not 100%. IrfanView may not support all DPI scaling features on Windows 10 yet. Fix: right mouse button click on IrfanView, Properties, Compatibility. Activate the option "Override high DPI scaling", use "Scaling performed by Application".
  • Q: How can I insert another image into the current image?
    A: First copy a picture (which should be inserted) to clipboard, e.g. in another IrfanView instance. Now open the right image, use mouse to select a rectangle (or use: Edit->Create custom selection) and if you now use: Edit->Paste, the image from clipboard will be inserted into selection. In Properties->Editing, you can set to fit or stretch a pasted image into selection.  Hint: use the hotkey "CTRL + SHIFT + Mouse click" to create a rectangle selection based on clipboard image dimensions.
  • Q: How can I insert text/caption under the image?
    Q: Can I change/remove inserted text from image (pixels)?
    A: First you need to add some caption space under the image using the "Image->Change Canvas size" menu. In the Canvas dialog, set only the Bottom side (method 1), set the color for the new area. Now you can select the new area (using mouse) and call the "Edit->Insert text" menu to insert some text in the selected area. Hint: you can use the Batch dialog, Advanced options (there is also Canvas and Text, with placeholders), to add caption and text to many images.
    A: The inserted text can't be changed or removed, it is burned into image pixels. You can only use "Edit->Undo" and add a new text.
  • Q: Why are IrfanView Thumbnails images not clear or too small (for JPGs)?
    A: See in Thumbnails Windows options menu/dialog. Deactivate the option 'Load EXIF-Thumbnail for JPGs'. 
  • Q: Problem: When I capture a video, why is the screen black?
    A: Try to disable video acceleration in Settings -> Control Panel -> Display -> Throubleshooting, during the screenshots. Or, start a second player instance and try to capture it. 

  • Q: How can I convert e.g. a BMP image/file to JPG?
    A: Open a BMP file using the File->Open menu. Now go to File->Save as menu, choose JPG as output format, set the new file name/folder and save. If you want to convert many files, use the Batch Conversion. 
    See also this video
  • Q: How to reduce saved file size from XX to YY KB?
    A: There is no one-click solution for that, sorry.
        1. Open an image.
        2. Go to menu Image->Resize/Resample and reduce the image dimensions in pixels.
        3. Go to menu File->Save as, choose JPG and save as new file (see also JPG save options like: lower JPG quality, uncheck EXIF, etc.).
        4. Look at the file size of the new file. If still too big, repeat the steps, using smaller pixel size and/or lower quality, etc.
        X. For many images, use File->Batch Conversion, Advanced options.
    Note: since version 4.20, a new JPG save option has been allowed: Set file size. 
  • Q: How to sort pictures by date-taken?
    A: Open Thumbnails window and load a folder. See thumbnails sort menu, use Sort by EXIF date
  • Q: How to load  HEIC files in IrfanView?
    A: You must install the HEVC extension/codec. 
         1) If you have Windows 10/11, you can install it from Microsoft Store:
         You need to install 2 (!!) extensions from Microsoft Store: HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer  AND  HEIF Image Extensions
         2) Download and install the HEIC Codec, version 1.0.1 and later (Freeware, for Win7/Win8/Win10/Win11).
         HEIC Codec
         3) Search on internet for the "CopyTrans HEIC" Windows codec and install it (Free for personal use, for Win7/Win8/Win10/Win11).
         CopyTrans HEIC Codec
  • Q: How to load  AVIF files in IrfanView?
    A: You must install the AVIF extension/codec. 
         If you have Windows 10/11, you can install it from Microsoft Store: AV1 Video Extension
  • Q: My browser saves JPG files as  JFIF. How to fix that?
    A: This is nothing in IrfanView, this issue is caused by some Windows Update bug. JFIF is actually a JPG file with wrong extension, you can rename it to JPG.
         Solution 1: start "Regedit.exe", go to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT->MIME->Database->Content Type->image/jpeg". See the "Extension" key, edit extension text from ".jfif" to ".jpg".
         Solution 2: see some websites with more details/screenshots: NSpeaks - JFIF to JPG or Brumpost - JFIF to JPG
  • Q: How to use Batch conversion/rename to sort result pictures in folders with date-taken in folder name?
    A: In the Batch dialog, you can use Placeholders in the name of the output directory. If you set a directory name like "C:\sorted images\$E36868(%Y_%m_%d)\", you will save the result files in folders with date-taken (format: YYYY_MM_DD) in folder name, like "C:\sorted images\2011_06_23\". 
  • Q: Batch mode: How to convert/save all input files (even from different folders) back to original folders?
    A: The Batch dialog text field "Output directory for result files" can contain a real folder path and/or placeholders (see the Help file, Options->Text pattern page).
        Use the $D placeholder/text as result directory, which is the placeholder for the original file folder.
        Take care, you can overwrite all input files! You can combine conversion+rename and set a new filename to avoid overwriting. 
  • Q: How to use JPG lossless operations (Rotation, IPTC, Comment, Rebuild EXIF thumbnail) in batch mode?
    A: Start the Thumbnail window, open the folder with JPGs, select many JPGs and see in thumbnail menu File for JPG Lossless Operations -> Lossless transformations with selected thumbs. Note: The auto-rotation option works only if the EXIF orientation tag is properly saved (not top-left). 
  • Q: Why does the RAW format load slow (Camera RAW formats, e.g. CR2)?
    A: This depends which RAW plugin options are used in 'Properties->PlugIns'. The preview option is the fastest, Half-size is fast and if both are deactivated: the full RAW image is loaded => very slow. 
  • Q: Why is the saved JPG file much bigger than the original JPG file?
    A: The JPG file size depends primary on JPG save quality, in the Save dialog options. Normal quality is 75 or 80, higher values will produce larger result files. 
  • Q: How to change JPG IPTC/Comment data for many images (batch mode)?
    A: In the Thumbnails window, select many JPG images/files and use the menu JPG Lossless Operations -> Set IPTC data/Comment to selected thumbs. The data for the first image is applied to all files. The IPTC dialog offers additional options. 
  • Q: Are the JPG editing options for IPTC/Comment lossless?
    A: Yes, the image itself is NOT recompressed. 
  • Q: How can I load only desired file types during the browsing?
    Q: How to exclude specific file extensions (e.g. TXT) from browsing through directory?
    Q: IrfanView can load e.g. CR3 files, but the files are not shown in the Thumbnail window?
    A: Go to "Properties->Extensions", edit the file extensions in field "Load custom file types"; delete unwanted or add special (but supported!) extensions at the end (use '|' as delimiter). Press OK and later F5 in IrfanView to reload the folder. 
  • Q: How can I load file types WITHOUT any extension during the browsing?
    Q: How can I load ALL file types/extensions during the browsing?
    A: Go to "Properties->Extensions", edit the file extensions in field "Load custom file types"; add a | at the end, to create an empty extension entry. Optional: go to Properties->File Handling and disable the option: "Ask to rename if incorrect extension".
    If you want to load ALL file extensions: go to "Properties->Extensions", edit the text in field "Load custom file types"; add a * at the end, to allow all/wildcard extensions. 
  • Q: How to get rid of (bad) filename suggestions (text auto fill) in Save dialog?
    A: This is not caused by IrfanView. Many objects in the File dialogs (open/save) are managed by Windows (File Explorer). This issue is caused by the "AutoComplete" option for File Explorer. You can disable it in "Internet Properties" dialog: search for "internet options" or "autocomplete" in Windows Settings, open the dialog, go to "Advanced" tab. Scroll down to "Use inline AutoComplete in File Explorer", uncheck it and press OK.
  • Q: How load PDF files in IrfanView?
    A: Install IrfanView and PlugIns. Install Ghostscript from e.g. here. For IrfanView 32-bit: take the 32-bit (!) EXE installer, like "gs926w32.exe") or Ghostscript 64-bit for IrfanView 64-bit (like "gs926w64.exe").
  • Q: How can I batch rename "JPG" files to "jpg" (lower case extensions)?
    A: In the Batch-Conversion dialog use the rename pattern: $N.jpg (Be sure you only have JPG files selected/added to the input list). 
  • Q: How can I add background sound for automatic slideshow or EXE/SCR?
    A: In the slideshow dialog put/add MP3 files into the slideshow file list, usually at the begin or before an image. The MP3 file is played until it ends or until next MP3 is loaded from the file list. IrfanView PlugIns should be also installed, at least the MP3 PlugIn. 
  • Q: How to extract images from the EXE Slideshow?
    A: Start the EXE and press F1 for help. Use E hotkey for extraction. 
  • Q: Problem: The PDF files saved by IrfanView need a password on loading. Why?
    A: The PDF save settings are not properly set. See the Save-As menu/dialog, PDF format options and set: tab General: "No preview needed"; tab Security: uncheck "Activate security". 
  • Q: I want to create a CD-ROM which will automatially start the Irfanview slideshow when instered into the CD drive. How can I do this?
    A: You can create either a self running EXE slideshow file (in the slideshow dialog) or you can copy the original files to the CD and use a TXT file. Read the help file page "How to start IrfanView slideshow from a CD?" for examples. 
  • Q: Problem: the JPG dialog with the "Save Quality" or "Set file size" option is not visible. Why?
    A: You probably disabled it. Open an image, use "File->Save As" menu. The Save-As dialog shows 2 options at the bottom: "Save with original date/time" and "Show format options dialog". Check the format option and the dialog will show all possible (if any) saving options for the selected format. If you save the image, the program will remember the last used options.

  • Q: How can I tag a file during browsing?
    A: See the Hotkeys help file page. Tag a file with X, untag with SHIFT+X, use SHIFT+Q to show all tagged files in Thumbnails window. 
  • Q: How can I Change menu hotkey or add a menu to Favorites (in Edit menu)?
    A: Use right mouse button click a menu. A new context menu will show up with new options. If a hotkey is already in use, you need to remove it first in other menu.
  • Q: How can I use IrfanView to set a random file from a folder/filelist as wallpaper?
    A: Use the command line options: /random and /wall, see i_options.txt for examples. 
  • Q: How to open current IrfanView file in Windows Explorer?
    A: You can define Windows Explorer as one of the external editors (Properties->Misc). The correct command is like: explorer "/n,/select,"%1 
  • Q: How to define an external editor (SHIFT+E) for an extension?
    A: In the INI file, create a new section [CustomEditors]. Then write a new line and set the value for an extension, like:
         PDF = D:\Software\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe ""%1"" 
         PDF = D:\Software\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe "-p "%1"" 
  • Q: Is there a trick to hide program menu and caption permanently, similar to toolbar and status bar?
    A: Yes. In the INI file, write in section [Menu] Active=0 to hide menu, in section [Caption] Active=0, to hide the program title. 
  • Q: Is there a trick to hide common folders from Open/Save dialog list of recent folders?
    A: Yes. In the INI file, write in section [Open] or [Save] CommonFolders=0 to hide the common folders (like "My Pictures" etc.). 
  • Q: How to send/drag&drop several files from File Explorer/Manager to IrfanView and load the list in IrfanView/Thumbnails or perform some operations with these files?
    A: As first, you can try the "IrfanView Shell Extension" from the PlugIns page. This program adds several shell menus (right mouse click in File Explorer) for selected files, like: Play slideshow, Load files in Thumbnails window, Start JPG Lossless Rotation, Convert images to another format, Save filenames as TXT, Create multipage TIF or PDF, Create panorama image.
    You can also create special desktop icons/shorcuts of IrfanView (from shell menu or copy an existing shortcut) and use the "/file=" command to use several files as input. See "i_options.txt" for all commands and examples.
    If you have a new desktop shorcut for IrfanView, then you can edit the item Properties (right mouse button click on it) and set a special command ("Target") for it (the old target command is something like "C:\Program Files\i_view64.exe") => write new target text:
      C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view64.exe /file=
    => to load (dropped) files in IrfanView, for viewing and all other operations.
      C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view64.exe /thumbs /file=
    => to load files in Thumbnails window.
      C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view64.exe /convert="d:\converted_tifs\*.tif" /file=
    => to convert files to TIF.
    Just few examples, instead of /convert you can use/combine other commandline options, like: /ini (to use special settings), /print (to print all input files) etc.; see "i_options.txt".
    You can also create Registry entries and new Shell menus with such commands.
    Important: /file= MUST BE the last command/parameter in the target text.

  • Q: How to send/drag&drop a TXT filelist to IrfanView and load a list with filenames in IrfanView/Thumbnails or perform some operations with these files?
    A: You can save and import such TXT files on several places in IrfanView: Slideshow dialog, Batch dialog, Thumbnails window.
    You can also create special desktop icons/shorcuts of IrfanView (from shell menu or copy an existing shortcut) and use the "/filelist=" command to use a TXT file with filenames as input. See "i_options.txt" for all commands and examples.
    Note:This is very similar to the "/file=" command from above, just replace "/file=" with "/filelist=" and send/drop a TXT file as input. Same examples as above will work.
      C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view64.exe /thumbs /filelist=
    => to load a TXT filelist in Thumbnails window.
      C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view64.exe /slideshow=
    => to load a TXT filelist and start slideshow.
    Important: /filelist= MUST BE the last command/parameter in the target text.

  • Q: How can I install IrfanView on a server with same settings for all users?
    A: 1) Install IrfanView on the server
         2) Set your IrfanView options (properties etc.).
            Now, set the INI file "i_view32.ini" to read only.
            The users can't change IrfanView options anymore.
         3) To prevent the registry changes (associations), you can hide the Properties->Extensions dialog.
            Write in the INI file:
            ShowExtensionsDlg=0 in section [Extensions]. 
  • Q: How can I install IrfanView on a server but each user should save/use own INI files?
    A: 1) Install IrfanView on the server
        2) Write in the global INI file (i_view32.ini on server):
    • INI_Folder=folder in section [Others].
      INI_Folder=C:\TEMP, or
      INI_Folder=%TEMP%, or
      INI_Folder=%APPDATA%\IrfanView, or

  • Q: IrfanView is installed on a server, each user has its own INI file. How to set the default program language to e.g. German/Deutsch?
    A: Method 1: Prepare a special INI file with custom default settings and copy it over the local/users INI file.
        Method 2: Write in the global INI file (i_view32.ini on server):
    • DefaultLang=dll-name in section [Language].
      Example for german:
      DefaultLang=deutsch.dll in section [Language].

  • Q: How can I silently install/uninstall IrfanView?
    A: Usually, you can download the ZIP version of IrfanView and Plugins and deploy the files.
    Self install versions have special start options (case sensitive!) for silent install (examples, version 4.52):
    1) IrfanView:
    • iview452_setup.exe /silent
      iview452_setup.exe /silent /ini=^%APPDATA^%\irfanview
      iview452_setup.exe /silent /ini="%APPDATA%\irfanview"
      iview452_setup.exe /silent /folder="c:\test folder\irfanview"
      iview452_setup.exe /silent /folder="c:\test folder\irfanview" /desktop=1 /thumbs=1 /group=1 /allusers=0 /assoc=1 /ini="%APPDATA%\irfanview"
      iview452_setup.exe /silent /folder="c:\test folder\irfanview" /ini="c:\temp"

      folder:      destination folder; if not indicated: old IrfanView folder is used, if not found, the "Program Files" folder is used
      desktop:  create desktop shortcut; 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0)
      thumbs:   create desktop shortcut for thumbnails; 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0)
      group:     create group in Start Menu; 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0)
      allusers:  desktop/group links are for all users; 0 = current user, 1 = all users (used ONLY IF /desktop=1 and/or /group=1 are set)
      assoc:     if used, set file associations; 0 = none, 1 = images only, 2 = select all (default: 0)
      assocallusers:  if used, set associations for all users (Windows XP only)
      ini:           if used, set custom INI file folder (system environment variables are allowed)
    2) PlugIns:
    • iview452_plugins_setup.exe /silent
      iview452_plugins_setup.exe /silent /folder="c:\program files (x86)\irfanview"
      iview452_plugins_x64_setup.exe /silent /folder="c:\program files\irfanview"
    3) Uninstall:
    • iv_uninstall.exe /silent

  • Q: How can I set some options to be fixed, like toolbar buttons, file browsing, file delete etc.?
    A: In the global INI file (located in the IrfanView folder), you can set some Admin values in correct INI sections:
    1) Fixed toolbar buttons:
    • [Toolbar]
      Admin_Flag = value
      (which will be used instead of the normal "Flag" value)
    2) Disable deleting of single files:
    • [Others]
      Admin_EnableDelete = 0 or 1
      (1 means: deleting enabled (default); 0 means: deleting disabled)
    3) Disable file browsing:
    • [Viewing]
      Admin_ViewAll= 0 or 1
      (which will be used instead of the normal "ViewAll" value from: properties->browsing->view all files)

  • Q: How can I set which save formats should be offered in the save/save-as dialog?
    A: In the global INI file (located in the IrfanView folder), you can set some Admin values in correct INI sections:
    • [Save]
      Admin_SaveFormats = extension|extension|
      Example for 2 formats:
      Admin_SaveFormats = BMP|JPG|
      NOTE: you can do that also in the local INI file (if the Admin option is not used), just use:
      SaveFormats = extension|extension|
      NOTE: If you leave the value text empty (no extensions), there save dialogs won't be used at all, so you can disable File->Save menus.
      Just write:
      SaveFormats = |
      or Admin_SaveFormats = |

  • Q: How can I set/update the IrfanView license for all users?
    A: Insert the license (and/or other admin options from above) to the global INI file (located in the IrfanView folder) and distribute it.
    1) If IrfanView is installed on a server, start IrfanView in admin mode and insert the license. It will be saved in the global INI file and used for all users.
    2) If IrfanView is installed on local clients, start IrfanView in admin mode and insert the license. Distribute the global INI file, copy it to the IrfanView folder on local clients.
    Here is an example of a minimal INI file (5 lines only) for the IrfanView folder:
    • [Others]
      Name=your license name
      Code=your code

  • Q: Does IrfanView contain Spyware or Viruses, etc.?
    A: NO. If your anti virus program reports a virus or spyware in IrfanView downloaded from the official homepages, you should either update the anti virus program or use a better one. 
  • Q: Is IrfanView compatible with Windows 95 or 98?
    A: IrfanView version 4.44 (and earlier) is compatible with all Win9x- and later Windows versions. Win9x means: Windows 95, 98, 98 SE and Windows ME. 
  • Q: Is there a way to do batch scanning without having an ADF scanner?
    A: Yes, uncheck the option in menu: File -> Acquire/Batch scanning -> Close TWAIN dialog after acquiring image. 
  • Q: Problem: The screensaver created by IrfanView shows just few images and then exits. Why?
    A: The problem is caused by another running software, which kills the saver. Check your system. 
  • Q: Problem: IrfanView runs/starts very slowly on my system! Why?
    A: Probably an old antivirus program or another background software is running, which causes such problems. Check your system. 
    A: If the loading of the JPG files is slow, maybe you activated the Quant-Smooth (Properties->JPG) or Color Management options. 
  • Q: Can I use IrfanView on Linux?
    A: Yes. There is no native-Linux version of IrfanView. However, you can use IrfanView in conjunction with Linux programs like WINE, Windows Linux emulators and Linux-based virtual machines. Take the ZIP version of IrfanView and unzip it or copy your existing Windows IrfanView folder to Linux. This is easier because the installer may need additional Windows DLLs to run. See instructions on: IrfanView on Linux with Wine .
  • Q: Can I use IrfanView on Mac?
    A: Yes, probably. There is no native-Mac version of IrfanView. However, you can use IrfanView in conjunction with Mac program like WineBottler/DARWINE. Take the ZIP version of IrfanView and unzip it or copy your existing Windows IrfanView folder to Mac. This is easier because the installer may need additional Windows DLLs to run. 
  • Q: What is the IrfanView icon, is this a bear or devil or something else?
    A: This is a red CAT, a road cat. Note, I like cats, but this is a joke ;-) 
  • Q: How can I add background sound to a VCD (Video CD)?
    A: This is not possible by the VCD specification. 
  • Q: Problem: When double click a file which is associated with IrfanView, I get an error message "Cannot find the file [path] or one of its components". What is the problem?
    A: Start IrfanView, go to 'Properties->Extensions' (run IrfanView in Admin mode) and associate your file types again. 
  • Q: Problem: The thumbnail window crashes/stops if I have many files in a folder!
    A: This is a Windows issue, the max. number of files in the thumbnails list is system dependent. Try to split files to several folders OR set a smaller thumb size in Thumbnail window options (to reduce system memory usage).